“…I have lost 110lbs since surgery. I am healthy and happy and have gone from a size 28 to a size 10/12. I was off blood pressure meds in just 4 weeks!”
As a child I wasn’t really heavy, it was always lose 10 pounds and you’ll be ok. That coupled with merciless teasing from kids on the playground definitely didn’t make life any easier. The older I got, I was getting heavier.
I tried everything wrong to lose weight, fad diets, crash diets, skipping meals, just plain unhealthy.
I got tired of the half compliments; “Oh you’re pretty for a big girl” or “You’d be so beautiful if you just lost some weight.” I finally reached a point where I felt I just didn’t care anymore, but in reality I did.
Even when I smiled on the outside, no one knew how I felt on the inside. My nickname is Mz.Fabulous, but I sure didn’t feel that way.

“I eat right and have been able to recreate healthy versions of the recipes I love.”
I attended 3 seminars given by OWLS and back pedaled each time. In 2013, I met my amazing friend Rasha. She was undergoing Sleeve Gastrectomy, which I had no idea it was a surgical option. I watched her story unfold and I made a decision it took me 10 years to make. I took control and made the choice to get healthy!
I had my first appointment with OWLS in March 2014, I was very pleased at how caring, compassionate and thorough they are! They prepare you for a complete lifestyle change! They taught me that the Gastric Sleeve is a tool you utilize to get healthy; the work is up to you! I had Gastric Sleeve surgery on 4/28/14 and I have never been happier. I have lost 140lbs since January 2014 at my highest weight, and I have lost 110lbs since surgery. I am healthy and happy and have gone from a size 28 to a size 10/12. I was off blood pressure meds in just 4 weeks!
I eat right and have been able to recreate healthy versions of the recipes I love. I hit the gym 4 days a week and I am amazed at all the energy I have! I am a much more active person now. I have no regrets and cannot thank thank Dr.Patterson, Jason and the rest of the OWLS team enough for giving me my life and health back!
Update May 2018
“Three years later and I’m still keeping off the weight! As a result of the sleeve surgery, I have fallen in love with coaching others through this process. This process has been so impactful on me it has led me to run my own Facebook group for sleevers.
I still LOVE to cook and I pride myself on finding new ways to make my favorite meals low carb & low sugar. It takes work, but it can be done!
I have been off all Blood Pressure meds for over 3 years now and still continue to remain at stable levels. My new found energy has been amazing. I’m now waking up by 7 am on Saturdays to work out! I’m incredibly grateful for this experience and continue to work hard to maintain my weight!”
* Please note – Results and individual symptoms may vary.