Category: Gastric Sleeve

Bowel Obstruction After Surgery

Understanding the Safety of Bariatric Surgery: Debunking Misconceptions about Bowel Obstructions Bariatric surgery, including gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy, has gained significant popularity as an effective treatment for obesity and associated health conditions. While these procedures are generally considered safe and successful, it is important to address misconceptions surrounding potential complications. Recently, the tragic passing…

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How Many Calories Should I Eat After Gastric Sleeve?

A red food scale with an empty metal bowl on top to illustrate How Many Calories Should I Eat After Gastric Sleeve?

If you’re wondering how many calories you should eat after gastric sleeve, the best answer is the one that comes from your doctor. They’re in the best position to determine what is right for you and your particular situation. However, for the purposes of this blog, we can provide a broad overview of what’s considered…

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Gastric Sleeve Surgery Pros and Cons: Oregon Weight Loss Surgery

gastric sleeve

Gastric sleeve surgeries continue to grow in popularity, so it’s no surprise that many of the patients at Oregon Weight Loss Surgery (OWLS) have questions about it. We’ve found that the most effective way of presenting information on this topic is to list the pros and cons of gastric sleeve surgery. But before we get…

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Gastric sleeve and health insurance: How to get approved

gastric sleeve

There are several options for weight loss surgery. One newer procedure that’s growing in popularity is the sleeve gastrectomy (or gastric sleeve). In a gastric sleeve procedure, the majority of the stomach is removed. The procedure, technically simpler than a gastric bypass, does not involve rearranging the gastrointestinal anatomy, but it does require surgical staplers. The procedure…

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Gastric Sleeve in the News


Comedian and Celebrity Apprentice star, Lisa Lampanelli, has received a lot of attention recently, and not just for her sharp tongue or performance credits, but because she has lost 80 pounds after receiving weight loss surgery.  Lampanelli said in a recent interview with In Touch Magazine that she’s tried “every diet out there” without success, and has…

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Gastric Plication

There are several effective surgical procedures available to treat obesity. Our goal at Oregon Weight Loss Surgery is to help you find the surgery that is best for you, whether it’s gastric banding, gastric bypass, gastric sleeve, or possibly, the newer and investigational procedure, Gastric Plication. The procedure is also referred to as laparoscopic greater…

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