“Before weight loss surgery, I struggled with the simplest of physical tasks.”
I was unable to walk for more than a short distance, I had a lot of joint pain, I was always tired, and I was generally unhappy.
When I went to my primary doctor with concerns for my overall health and how my weight was affecting it, she suggested that I might be a good candidate for weight loss surgery. I got a referral and got started and never looked back. I knew that I had to take action to change my life.

My life today is completely different from before I started this process.
I am not in pain, I sleep better,
my moods are improved, I have far more confidence, and I’ve even taken up running as a means of exercise and improving/maintaining my mental health. Having this surgery has changed my life. I have lost nearly half my body weight and I wear a size 8/m, which I haven’t fit in since early high school.
* Please note – Results and individual symptoms may vary.