“I have struggled my whole adult life with my weight.”
Slowly it had taken my sparkle and caused me to have very poor self-esteem. I suffered from Sleep Apnea, fatigue, hormonal issues, depression and lack of energy. Everyone thought I was happy but that was truly very sad.
I had been thinking of weight loss for about 4 years prior to making my appointment. I didn’t have the support of my spouse as he thought it was the easy way out. I finally came to the conclusion that I needed this for me .. to get my sparkle back. I made the decision that I was moving forward whether he was on board or not. My children were excited for me and I had a support system.

I am 8 month post op and have lost 84 pounds to date. I am 70 pounds from my goal. I have energy that I haven’t had in a very long time and enjoy doing outdoor activities. I even was able to zip line for the first time in my life. My sparkle is back and I am excited to have energy and wear a constant smile. It is truly wonderful to shop for regular sizes and officially be out of plus size.
* Please note – Results and individual symptoms may vary.