Surgeon Training Event

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Last week, Dr. Emma Patterson joined other leading bariatric surgeons as an expert speaker and panelist at the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery’s (ASMBS) 2nd annual Fall Educational Event. Because she serves on the Executive Council, she also attended an ASMBS Executive Council meeting there. The meeting included a review of the past year, plans for the upcoming year, and extensive discussion of access-to-care issues.

The educational event commenced on Friday, September 23rd. Courses covered various topics in bariatric surgery, including management of difficult cases, coding, low BMI, adolescents, building a quality program, Center of Excellence designation, sleeve gastrectomy, and complications & behavioral issues. During a course about metabolic surgery, Dr. Patterson spoke about the laparoscopic adjustable gastric band. Later that afternoon, she served on an expert panel for a video course, directed by Dr. Jaime Ponce, about managing difficult bariatric surgery cases. The course covered the various surgical options for management of complex bariatric cases, as well as the laparoscopic techniques and options in management of complications. Dr. Patterson was on the panel specializing in managing gastric band erosion, slippage, and obstruction. The following day, Dr. Patterson presented at a course about managing surgical complications of the adjustable gastric band.

Participation in courses like those at the ASMBS Fall Event is so important to bariatric surgeons who want to stay on the cutting edge of research, and have an opportunity to collaborate with other leading surgeons.

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