
Lap Band Results for Lower BMI Patients

New research has revealed that Lap-Band surgery can induce weight loss in long-term obese patients and provides support for use of the procedure in patients with milder obesity. Lap-Band surgery is a laparoscopic procedure that limits food intake with minimum interference with the normal digestive process. By wrapping a silicone band around the upper part of the…

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Gastric Bypass and Diabetes – Why Such Fast Improvement?

Over the past decade, bariatric surgeons have noticed that weight loss surgery is extremely effective in improving diabetes, with many patients showing improvement as quickly as days after surgery. Prompted by these observations, several noteworthy studies published in recent years have provided evidence that weight loss surgery is an effective diabetes treatment in obese patients….

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Exercise Has Positive Relationship to Mental State

Physical activity is an important aspect of both our pre-surgery and post-surgery treatment plan at Oregon Weight Loss Surgery. There have been many health benefits linked with physical activity, including both physical and mental benefits. At the recent Longitudinal Assessment of Bariatric Surgery (LABS) Consortium attended by Dr. Emma Patterson, there was an interesting study presented showing the…

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Gastric Sleeve in the News

Comedian and Celebrity Apprentice star, Lisa Lampanelli, has received a lot of attention recently, and not just for her sharp tongue or performance credits, but because she has lost 80 pounds after receiving weight loss surgery.  Lampanelli said in a recent interview with In Touch Magazine that she’s tried “every diet out there” without success, and has…

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Another Reason to Eat Almonds: Fewer Calories?

Almonds are well-known for their nutritional profile. The Mayo Clinic lists the nuts as one of the ‘top 10 foods recommended for healthy eating’ and they are packed with nutrients including fiber, riboflavin, magnesium, iron and calcium. Most of the fat in almonds is considered a healthy type of fat, called monounsaturated fat, which may…

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