Category: Research

Your Guide To Lowering Blood Pressure

A person getting their blood pressure taken by a doctor to illustrate your guide to lowering your blood pressure.

More than 100 million Americans have high blood pressure. As the American Heart Association puts it, that’s about half of all American adults. And while high blood pressure is a problem in and of itself, it’s also linked to other health issues, including: Heart attacks Strokes Aneurysms Heart failure Metabolic syndrome Memory problems Dementia As…

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Groundbreaking New Type 2 Diabetes Research Links Remission to Weight Loss Surgery


A new clinical study reports that for diabetic patients, weight loss surgery can help improve blood sugar levels more than any lifestyle changes or pharmaceutical intervention. Weight loss surgery may even help with long-term remission. The study appeared in Diabetes Care, a journal of the American Diabetes Association, endorsed by 45 professional societies around the…

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The Best Ways to Relieve Joint Pain

Relieve joint pain by losing weight.

Our joints endure a lot of stress over an extended period of time. If you’re experiencing joint pain for any reason, it can be frustrating, and of course, painful. Luckily, there are steps we can all take to minimize joint pain and live a more active, comfortable life.  Exercise Exercise can relieve joint pain on…

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Oncology Organization Takes Stand on Obesity


Obesity is on its way to replacing tobacco as the number one preventable cause of cancer, according to the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). This alarming prediction has spurred the ASCO to create a position statement on obesity’s impact on cancer. Several links have been discovered connecting excess weight with the development of cancer….

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Gastric Bypass and Diabetes – Why Such Fast Improvement?

Over the past decade, bariatric surgeons have noticed that weight loss surgery is extremely effective in improving diabetes, with many patients showing improvement as quickly as days after surgery. Prompted by these observations, several noteworthy studies published in recent years have provided evidence that weight loss surgery is an effective diabetes treatment in obese patients….

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Exercise Has Positive Relationship to Mental State

Physical activity is an important aspect of both our pre-surgery and post-surgery treatment plan at Oregon Weight Loss Surgery. There have been many health benefits linked with physical activity, including both physical and mental benefits. At the recent Longitudinal Assessment of Bariatric Surgery (LABS) Consortium attended by Dr. Emma Patterson, there was an interesting study presented showing the…

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